Bridge Markets Health or Bridge Markets Climate

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Track 1: The Bridge Markets Health

Mobile food science testbeds
Food is both a great way to prevent health issues and an opportunity to reduce climate footprint. To speed up development of healthy food and food systems, the foodtech industry needs new ways to get early consumer traction on their offerings. In addition, the city of Lund along with local landlords, energy companies and public transport see this kind of testbed as a way to make their investments more valuable before they are actually built. Many stakeholders want the same thing. But will it be possible to launch a Street Science Food Market by the grand opening of the local tram line on December 13th?

Emelie Olsson, Innovation Skåne, Göran Strandberg, Kraftringen, Peter Andersson, Solina Group, Eva Dalman, Lunds Kommun, Christian Wilke, Lunds kommun, Jonas Håkansson, Serneke, Tobias Linné, Lund University, Erik Öste, Cirkulär AB

Increased access to quality healthcare
Around the globe, cities and regions face the same healthcare challenge regardless of whether they are in the industrialised or the developing parts of the world. With growing and ageing populations we will have less public funds to pay for increased healthcare needs. To look forward to our own ageing futures we therefore need to come up with ways to deliver better healthcare to more people for less money. For Lima, Peru, Bangalore, India and many other places, a healthier population would mean additional growth and reduced healthcare costs.

Towa Jexmark, Capio, Thomas Saaby Noer, Khora Virtual Reality, Petra Birkhofer, Joint Academy, Henrik Kangro, Min Doktor, 

Silvia Arispe, Government of Peru

Track 2: The Bridge Markets Climate

Low carbon and circular value chains
In most industries there is need and potential to reduce the climate footprint. This, however, depends not only on the successful implementation of one single low carbon solution. For such efforts to be effective they must include the whole value chain. In food and packaging Tetra Pak is a key player and pioneer for sustainable packaging. Together with suppliers, researchers, customers and retail they all share the need to turn the whole food value chain into a circular one.

Erik Lindroth, Tetra Pak, Katrin Molina Besch, Lund University, Malin Ljung Eiborn, Billerud Korsnäs, Olof Nyström, Packbridge, Joanna Franzén, Vinnova, Åsa Domeij, Axfood, Jonas Follin Persson, Oatly

Reducing air pollution in urban hotspots
New Delhi is one of the giga cities in the world with the highest air pollution. Most of the inhabitants perceive the air quality to be caused by emissions and road dust. Clean Air Asia is verifying this perception with collected data for 3 polluted hotspots. Traffic interventions is one of the solution areas explored where traffic analysis and new ways to monitor air pollution would be useful technologies. But how fast can we notice a difference?

Prarthana Borah, Clean Air Asia, Jeff Risom, Gehl Architects, Maryam Nasirpour, Insplorion